My notes

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1st Week - Introduction to machine learning (1 of 2)

1st Week - Introduction to machine learning (2 of 2)


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2nd Week - Machine Learning for Regression (1 of 2)

2nd Week - Machine Learning for Regression (2 of 2)


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3rd Week - Machine Learning for Classification (1 of 2)

3rd Week - Machine Learning for Classification (2 of 2)


<aside> <img src="/icons/square_blue.svg" alt="/icons/square_blue.svg" width="40px" />

4th Week - Evaluation metrics for classification (1 of 2)

4th Week - Evaluation metrics for classification (2 of 2)


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5th Week - Deploying machine learning models (1 of 2)

5th Week - Deploying machine learning models (2 of 2)


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6th Week - Decision trees and ensemble learning (1 of 2)

6th Week - Decision trees and ensemble learning (2 of 2)


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8th Week - Neural Networks and Deep Learning (1 of 2)

8th Week - Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2 of 2)


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9th Week - Serverless Deep Learning (1 of 2)

9th Week - Serverless Deep Learning (2 of 2)


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10th Week - Kubernetes and TensorFlow Serving (1 of 2)

10th Week - Kubernetes and TensorFlow Serving (2 of 2)


My projects

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Midterm Project

Estimation of obesity levels based on eating habits and physical condition

Link to repository:

MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club/Estimation_Obesity_Levels_midterm_project at main · aletbm/MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club

Link to my analysis:

Google Colab


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Capstone 1 project

Blood Cell Cancer Prediction: Classification and Segmentation

Link to repository:

MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club/Blood_Cell_Cancer_Prediction_Capstone_1 at main · aletbm/MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club

Link to my analysis on Colab:

Google Colab

Link to my analysis on Kaggle:

🩸 Blood Cell Cancer Prediction


<aside> 🔵

Capstone 2 project

Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets

Link to repository:

MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club/NLP_with_Disaster_Tweets_Capstone_2 at main · aletbm/MySolutions_MLZoomcamp2024_DataTalks.Club

Link to my analysis on Colab:

Google Colab

Link to my analysis on Kaggle:

🌋 NLP with Disaster Tweets


My article

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Natural Language Processing using spaCy, TensorFlow and BERT model architecture
