Using Pickle to save and load the model

After using Pickle to save and load the model, we create a function to predict the probability that a single customer will subscribe.

For example, we have the following information about a new customer:

customer = {'age': 57,
            'job': 'blue-collar',
            'marital': 'married',
            'education': 'primary',
            'balance': 856,
            'housing': 'no',
            'contact': 'cellular',
            'day': 11,
            'month': 'aug',
            'duration': 194,
            'campaign': 6,
            'pdays': -1,
            'previous': 0,
            'poutcome': 'unknown'}

We use the model and the transformer that create in previous chapters. To achieve our objective, we use the following function:

def predict_subcription_proba(customer, dv, model):
    X_customer = dv.transform(customer)
    return model.predict_proba(X_customer)[:, 1][0]
predict_subcription_proba(customer, dv, model)

Now, let’s imagine we want to use this model and transformer in another project. We need to export them, and to do this, we can use the Pickle package.

Pickle is a serialization/deserialization module that’s already built into Python: using it, we can save an arbitrary Python object (with a few exceptions) to a file. Once we have a file, we can load the model from there in a different process.

Using Pickle to save the model

To save the model:

import pickle
with open('subscribe-model.bin', 'wb') as f_out:
    pickle.dump(model, f_out)

This way, we save the model in a binary file called susbscribe-model.bin, which can be exported and imported across multiple projects.

Because the new data is not been pre-processed, we need to save the DictVectorizer transformer that we trained.

To save the transformer:

with open('dv.bin', 'wb') as f_out:
    pickle.dump(dv, f_out) 

Also, we can save them in a single file:

with open('subscribe-model.bin', 'wb') as f_out:
    pickle.dump((dv, model), f_out)

Using Pickle to load the model

To load the model: